unity*dc - Valuable lifelong customers

01628 200200 | 020 7183 5009
Nurture Brooklyn Bridge

Nurturing leads into customers

How long is your typical sales cycle? The reason we ask is that, as you know, the longer your sales cycle, the more prospects your sales team are keeping track of. And there's a limit to how many contacts anyone can maintain at any one time. Neuroscientists have discovered that humans are capable of maintaining around 150 relationships, which includes friends and family. It's no surprise that even your best salespeople can only give a limited amount of people the attention they need.

Extend the reach of your sales team

At unity*dc, we believe a few simple tools can help your sales team increase its reach and improve customer relationships across the board. Our lead-nurturing programmes significantly increase the power of your sales team, allowing your salespeople to concentrate on the most valuable and promising leads, whilst we look after the rest.

Materials from a lead nurturing programme

Keeping in regular contact

A common customer complaint leveled at professional services businesses is "I only ever hear from them when they want something." Our nurture and engagement programmes help you improve the dialogue with all your customers, all year round. In turn, they'll feel valued and cared for, and are likely to stick with you in the long-term.

Let us take care of your lead nurturing

Every nurture/engagement programme we build is unique to the way you relate to clients and prospects, and it's always designed for response. We offer a complete service from concept and strategy right through to data management, creative execution and analytics. Our sophisticated behavioural tracking and profiling tools spot early buying signals, so we can pass leads to your sales team at just the right moment. Our programmes have helped professional services firms, B2B services firms, high-end consumer brands and businesses that sell to the public sector.

Key services and deliverables:

  • Lead-nurturing programmes consultancy and design
  • Data entry, data management and cleansing
  • Marketing/CRM database infrastructure consultancy
  • Tactical email templates and email newsletter design
  • Self-service email distribution
  • Full-service newsletter editorial and production
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Behavioural tracking and profiling
  • Lead acquisition campaigns and data buying

Case study

Juniper Networks email templates

Juniper asked unity*dc to redesign their templates for email campaigns across market sectors in Europe.

unity*dc designed a harmonised suite of templates that unified the sectors ahead of their rebrand. We worked with Juniper's technical partner, Newsweaver, to ensure that the templates would also simplify the process of building and deploying new campaigns.

Focused, powerful marketing

Our other key marketing disciplines: