Marketing communications that convert
When your marketing budget is expected to stretch, it's critical that every bit of your marketing collateral earns its keep. How hard does your website work? Even if you're a B2B operation with a typical order value in the tens or hundreds of thousands, your website is just as important as a consumer e-commerce site. It plays a crucial role in the sales process: it's often the first thing prospects see of your brand, and the last thing they'll look at before deciding to pick up the phone.
Small improvements in web conversion rate can really affect your bottom line
Your website's conversion rate can really impact your bottom line. The good news is that some simple changes can lead to just a few percentage points of improvement, bringing your marketing and sales targets a lot closer. At unity*dc, we combine talented designers with an admittedly geeky approach to analytics, using advanced tools that show exactly where people click and then adapting the design to improve how people navigate your site. This proven combination ensures you get the best return on your marketing investment.
It's in the details
Do you use forms on your website, to do important things like receive sales enquiries or capture visitor information? We take a detailed look at how visitors interact with these forms and identify where they get stuck or back out of the process. By ironing out the bits they find difficult, we can dramatically increase future submission rates. We recently doubled the conversion rate of an e-commerce order form simply by reorganising the layout and setting better default values for dropdowns. Simple tweaks can often result in valuable changes.
We build response elements into as many of our communications as possible, and every bit of testing and tweaking we do is carried out with results in mind. We'll deploy the same proven methods of smart testing and analysis to your email and printed communications, improving usability, data capture and lead generation.
Key services and deliverables:
- Website design and build
- Web-user experience design and conversion rate optimisation
- Email template design and optimisation
- A/B and multivariate testing in web, email and print
- Design and production of printed collateral
- Corporate and product brochures
- Training and educational materials
- Investor and internal communications
- Tactical communications and microsites
- Exhibition displays and vehicle branding
Case study
MLL Telecom website
MLL Telecom's CMO wanted the company website to work harder. He wanted it to speak directly to company's different audience segments. He wanted the website to explain why a professional buyer should choose MLL, in plain English. Finally, he wanted it to do justice to their industry strength and expertise.
unity*dc designed a new website that helps visitors self-select their sector and provides messaging directly for them, without even leaving the home page. The new website shows off MLL Telecom's in-house expertise, through white papers, a professional blog and several sector-specfic resource centres. And by building tight integration with the marketing database, any interest on the website can be immediately captured into qualified leads.
Focused, powerful marketing
Our other key marketing disciplines: