unity*dc - Valuable lifelong customers

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To the heart

Rocks Jewellers email marketing

The challenge:

Create an effective email marketing channel for a jewellery business.

Rocks Jewellers is a family-run jewellers with two stores in Dublin. They have been selling the finest brands, including their own bespoke items, for almost 40 years. To reach their customers around the world, Rocks recently invested in a full ecommerce website. They came to unity*dc needing a cost-effective way to effectively communicate offers and new products to their database of followers. The result was a complete email marketing solution.

What unity*dc did

We began by designing a suite of templates which reflect the quality of the Rocks brand. Each specific template could be used for targeted and seasonal campaigns, including Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Father's Day.

We then took all of Rocks' existing lists of customers, prospects and followers, cleansed the data and consolidated it into a single unified database. Understanding how Rocks would need to use the data, we added the ability to segment the list according to product interest or previous purchase. Our email distribution system takes care of all necessary data protection compliance by automatically dealing with unsubscribes, bounces and sign-ups.

We also built a simple but effective newsletter sign-up form for their website, so visitors can opt-in online. This gives Rocks another channel for gathering useful customer data.


Rocks now use our self-service email campaign system to create, test and run their own campaigns. This enables them to communicate with customers and prospects with minimal cost and maximum speed to market. Rocks can see exactly how each recipient is engaging with the email, as our system provides tracking information on what people are read and what they click on. This gives really powerful marketing intelligence that not only shows how well their campaign is performing but also helps with planning future marketing activity.

See the work

Client's view

Unity*dc offered us a practical solution to our unique problem. We needed a newsletter system that would allow us to create, send and track campaigns specific times throughout the year. unity*dc created a series of templates to suit the key buying occasions in our industry. We could work with these templates ourselves, cutting time, costs and giving us total control over campaigns.

We have already noticed a positive impact from our new system and would recommend such a solution to any business wishing to make use of their database of customers. unity*dc had a clear understanding of the needs of Rocks and their solution looks great and works beautifully.

Helen Carr, Marketing Manager

What clients say about unity*dc

"Looking for a reliable web and design agency in today's market is no easy task for a company that wants to review its image and provide its prospective customer base with an informative and well balanced view of what it does. Before appointing unity*dc, we looked at several other agencies and found that unity*dc quickly and thoroughly understood our needs, and more importantly provided us with an effective and flexible solution to all our requirements within the agreed costs and timescales."

Tony Dilks,
Balance Partnership